Sunday, March 26, 2023

what is the next minecraft update

so if you're not aware of moyang I mean Jang is making a very big announcement for Minecraft 1.20 tomorrow night and it's happening at 3am for me bedtime before snap but hey we can theorize about it now and there's already a new snapshot that was released so if you guys would like to join for that I'm live right now we'll get to that later on in the video of course I want to show you that this resource pack that I'm using is in fact real it's so funny how many of you guys doubted it and thought I was making it up when it clearly says built in I'm gonna be using this from now on it's just much easier on the eyes for me so first of all before I get to the uh supposed

 announcement do you guys know that they added the uh the new item the feather copper sword in Minecraft 1.20 this is how you do it so you put a stick here copper and a feather up here and there is your feather copper sword here it is and it works exactly like a brush so you can dust things on the ground as usual let's place it does it well sponge it up and with your feather copper 

sword you can now brush the stuff to get stuff from the thing oh I'm getting a stick this is a great uh thing that I've dusted um you can also go up to a creeper and tickle it [Music] what let's tickle a sniffer so there's my sniffer I can tickle it look at him he loves it he's laughing see look at how I'm tickling the spider 

now he loves it and it's the best weapon ever because it doesn't take durability damage so they can't hurt you unless it's a creeper okay so what is it that they're doing there's a new monthly thing what happened to Minecraft now so this is the sneak peek they've provided us Minecraft logo in silhouette 

with question marks above it there's already a lot of speculation and it appears to be two words with the first word being a little bit longer than the second word so there are some hints already so we had cherries cheers of bookshelves hanging signs all of the smithing templates giraffes sniffers and 

Archeology there was no surprise when all of this started happening people called it the uh or the update update or just update and you know there's a lot of comments about this the point is there's a silhouette it's blackened but we can fit things inside so suggestions like this 

probably wouldn't work because it does need to fit within the space but there are two words so maybe because I try to put something together here very slowly I mean it won't be because it's inappropriate but no way um I don't believe it

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